Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Quo vadis ?

Az EU gazdasági és pénzügyi biztosát meglepte a magyar kormány hétfői adóreform bejelentése. Ezt a Reuters* jelentette Brüsszelből. A szocialista, spanyol Joaquin Almunia ma reggeli sajttájon mondotta, hogy “nem tudja, hogyan értelmezze a budapesti bejelentést, mikor egy héttel előbb még a költségvetési hiány csökkentésről volt szó a közterhek finanszírozása terén."

Azóta a Nasdag is beszámolt róla.

*BRUSSELS, June 29 (Reuters) - The European Unions's top monetary official said on Wednesday he was surprised that the Hungarian government was planning a tax reform at a time when it has been ordered by the EU to bring down its deficits. "I have to recognise that I was a little bit surprised last Monday when I heard some information ... about an announcement of the new tax reform," European Union Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Joaquin Almunia told a news conference. "We cannot adopt a positive assesment (of steps taken by Hungary to bring down the deficit) if one week after some other measures are adopted, changing the framework and possibly worsening the outlook of the Hungarian public finances," he said, adding he wanted Budapest to provide more information.


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